SAIWA Objectives

  • To promote, foster, facilitate and extend the study, discussion of and research into the science and professional practice of security
  • To further the education and training of security personnel;
  • To promote the practice and development of the security industry;
  • To encourage a close liaison between all members of the Institute and police forces and other law enforcement bodies within Australia;
  • To develop the most cost-effective security measures in commerce and industry;
  • To collect, collate, co-ordinate and disseminate data, information, ideas, know-how, methods and techniques relating to the security industry;
  • To establish, prescribe and ensure the observance of a code of ethics;
  • To provide technical advice or consultancy on any security-related matter to the public;
  • To encourage public interest and awareness in the security profession;
  • To encourage members to strive for excellence in the provision of security services;
  • To investigate, refer, advise and make recommendations on complaints concerning the conduct or practice of the Institute or any of its members.